PassPort is a free password manager letting you manage passwords securely. It is a free and open source port forwarding application that's well-designed.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Software solution that allows forwarding of any local port (on all local interfaces) to any port on a remote server. Screenshot of PassPort - 1509px · 1105pxSimple interface with only a few features. Screenshot of PassPort - 1509px · 1105pxForward ports easily using this application. Screenshot of PassPort - 1509px · 1105pxMore features and tools. Screenshot of PassPort - 1328px · 970pxFreeware password manager. Screenshot of PassPort - 1328px · 970pxPassPort: User interface. Screenshot of PassPort - 1328px · 970pxScreenshot of PassPort - Size: 1328px · 970pxScreenshot of PassPort - Size: 1328px · 970px